#they're really paying attention
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royalarchivist · 1 month ago
Tina: [Joining the Discord call] Uh, hello?
Foolish: [Sing-song-y voice] Tina~!
Cellbit: Hi, Tina! [Shouting] TINAAA!!!
Tina: [Also shouting] CELLBIT!!!
Cellbit: I miss you. 😢
Tina: I miss you too!
Foolish: Whoa, I didn't get all that.
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leotanaka · 16 days ago
cobra kai: has kreese acknowledge outright that johnny was okay with losing to daniel and then showcases via flashbacks to tkk1 & tkk2 that johnny congratulated daniel on his win and told kreese that he did his best before kreese broke his trophy and tried to kill him.
cobra kai: has johnny admit that it never mattered to him if he lost because he knew he did his best and he could have won (literally same thing he said in tkk2)
also cobra kai:
repeatedly made it clear that johnny is still dealing with the trauma of nearly being murdered by someone he loved and idolised;
literally stated in the series finale that being labelled a "loser" (which kreese called him as he was choking him) is a legitimate trigger for him;
showcased that he can't handle anything around his neck; and
gone out of their way to make it as clear and simple as possible for anyone to understand that there is no separating losing the fight from nearly being murdered because losing that fight is the reason he was nearly murdered.
johnny's a bad loser
johnny can't get over losing a fight when he was teenager
johnny doesn't know how to handle losing a fight
johnny's story should've been about him learning to accept losing
if robby can accept coming second why did it take johnny 30 years to accept it?
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tortilla-of-courage · 7 months ago
why does every single surface npc in skyward sword use male pronouns
like yes the goron have bested gender and dont care about that so they default to male pronouns for ease. they're born from rocks. bam. they're all brothers. and the gorons we meet in skyward sword care more about investigation or whatnot so they're like yeah yeah just use he/him. wanna hear about the legends of old?
and kikwi just Spawn from a bush or something probably. they dont even know what gender is. link and fi default to using male pronouns for them but like. you ask them what their pronouns are and they're like. pronouns? what's a pronouns? is that like another type of zelda...? kwee...
but what's the deal with the mogma. pretty sure they all use male pronouns too. did they hear the gorons use them and go yoooo i like the sound of that!!! let's use those too!! hey Ledd use he/him for me!! sure thing Kortz! Kortz he/hims treasure!!! yoooo!!! yoooo!!!
the only she/her users in the Surface before Zelda falls down are Impa and the Old Woman....... and i guess Hylia herself. where's my hashtag feminism,
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a2zillustration · 1 year ago
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I figured we weren't going to convince them that Gortash is the problem and quite frankly I didn't have time for this.
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sunciv · 10 months ago
noone (and i mean noone) will convince me that this:
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wasn't followed by some intense makeout
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casualavocados · 8 months ago
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Chen Yi, are you out of your mind? You said it. Just for fun. Why are you being shy now? I'm not in the mood. But I am. How are you supposed to face your favorite boss if you act like this? He's always our boss. The man who brought us up.
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years ago
Hello so I heve a rather personal question as an artist. So when I draw and create art no matter how much I like it after it's done i'm not satisfied with it and I see every little detail that's off or every mistake. No one else see it. So my question is do you get that feeling too? How do you get rid of it? Or do you just embrace it and ignore the things that tip you off?
you cannot draw something in a way that removes its most essential and valuable feature: the fact that you drew it. that's why when you look at it, you have x-ray vision and you can see every brush stroke you fucked up and how the sketch was better but you could never capture it and how the foreshortening is wrong etc. because you drew it. it will never go away no matter how good you get because you can never outrun the fact that you made it. that's a good thing btw
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mwagneto · 7 months ago
i left my phone in my room and picked up an actual physical book and sat down on the balcony and read the whole thing can everyone please be so so proud of me
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qoldenskies · 30 days ago
CC!Donnie and his music-his music that the canon brothers have already expressed their audible dislike towards offhandedly, and how he likes to play it so loud. I know it doesn't sound too bad, but I'm sure a lot of people have had their taste in music mocked (especially when you're a teenager) and it's never a good feeling
i mentioned his fear to show passion not long ago and this definitely applies, especially when it comes to things like with the spreadsheet its obvious he'll try to connect things like little comments like that to any perceived current fault-- like an i should have seen this coming. its why even though they werent extremely specific about what he enjoyed in the family meeting, he got the impression-- they don't want to hear about what he likes, especially when it comes to things they've already expressed distaste for.
even if his tastes shift i dont think they'll ever know about it; pretty much anything he gets up to in his personal time is something he keeps close to his chest and never talks about, very rarely even when prompted. a year or two down the the line i think they're going to come to the realization that they dont even KNOW what donnie enjoys anymore, outside of tech. it makes gift-giving kind of hard, doesnt it?
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fuumiku · 1 month ago
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Harpy mickrin AU yay! Sorta loosely set in Aatom87's harpy & zookeeper AU- Rin is a sooty owl and Mickbell is a cockatiel. You know how parrots are...
The zoo keeps them in the same enclosure out of lack of funds to try and fix behavioral issues. Rin was being too self-isolating and Mickbell was starting shit with other harpies and bonded with zookeeper Kuro instead, which is unhealthy, so they put them in a side enclosure to bond together and assigned Kabru to it instead. Thus they are forced to have enrichment together.
Kabru has it tough since they both act like they hate him, except one is only a tsundere act lol. Mickbell like "huh?? You stealing my cagemate punk?? Wanna fight??" and he's not even wrong lol. Tiny bird very angry very aggressive, cue Kabru getting scratched every day... Kabru leaving their enclosure after a whole showdown of cockatiel Mick screaming scratching biting inflicting him little wounds and then Mick goes right back to "I'm just a little guy"ing @ Rin. Keep going buddy i'm sure... one day...... you'll win her over and make her laugh. Or something.
Although hmmm Kabru hating monsters would mean he wouldn't work there in the first place. Maybe.... He's there undercover to investigate the zoos for corruption or animal-monster abuse or smth... And the injured Mithrun harpy is evidence that he has to take under his wing ba dum tss <- this is how my AUs get out of control
I love Mickbell's stiff paintbrush of a ponytail so much
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#here's how kurokabu can win: Kabru is the newbie so Kuro shows him the ropes n they do study sessions n the birdies are jealous#similar to marchil one is closed off and the other is off the rails and they think they'll be a great way to get eachother to level out.#mickrin#mickbell tomas#rinsha fana#dunmeshi fanart#Mick keeps tweet tweeting at her because he's bored but she remains stoic and unmoving not paying him any mind#bc she knows he just wants attention- and he knows & notices that too so he instead he orchestrates a fake injury#and cries out sadly in pain and suddenly she rushes to him. Cue shit eating grin from him when she realizes she's been had#Enrichment i told you#Chirping “who's a pretty bird” at her and she thinks he's just repeating the keeper's phrases but he's trying to say it TO her#Bc Rin can never believe she'd actually ever receive genuine romantic interest so it must be fake#Mickrin coalition to break up kurokabu. Call it the zookeeper dependency club#Rin is just black darker than the night that screams don't approach me but there's just this bright yellow pea sticking to her harassing#Jk they're the hater duo besties#Dungeon meshi#Kuro really had to be convinced separation was best for mickbell..... omgg maybe he has the name bc he loves a bell toy that'd be cute#It is 11 pm you hear a small bell being jostled at alarming speed. He is bored#Fun mickrin fact of the day: mickbell is shameless (though prideful) and Rin has toxic masculinity#/hj#Kabru prob is doing the job out of security worries like monsters being anle to escape- but seeing that the problem#is actually abuse makes him start to empathize more
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call-me-copycat · 4 months ago
My hamsters, for those curious ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ
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The first one is named Suki (After Bakugo's first name, Katsuki) because he was very bitey when I first got him (he gave me a permanent scar on my hand >⁠.⁠<)
The second one is named Hoshi (after Shinso's first name, Hitoshi) just because I like Shinso - I was originally going to name Suki something that eluded to Aizawa but after getting to know him I changed it up
I've had them for awhile now, I don't know why I haven't shared them yet (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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jimmyspades · 10 months ago
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"I love you. I couldn't possibly love you more, you know that as a fact." CURTAIN CALL (1998)
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lightasthesun · 4 months ago
you know what I think would be really funny?
Truth or dare or something similar with pre-relationship codywan.
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cobaltfluff · 7 months ago
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what is his deal ???
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
The true tragedy of shuggy is that even is those two stayed together, buggy would left the minute shanks put on those pants 💀
If those two stayed together they'd be without clothes most of the time so I don't think his pants matter much
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kazz-brekker · 5 months ago
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me listening to random songs earlier today while doing boring finance data entry and thinking too hard about saruon/galadriel/adar
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